An architectural essential for outdoor areas.
When designing an outdoor restaurant, bar, pool, deck, or other type of rooftop amenity or establishment, there's no question that windscreens are an architectural essential.
Aside from the obvious function of protecting visitors from the force of high winds atop multi-story building terraces, there is much more to know about these important building elements. Windscreens, or glass walls, are attached to the perimeter of an outdoor area where patrons, guests, and occupants are invited to eat, drink, socialize, and/or swim. These sturdy screens provide a transparent shield against high speed winds using tall, thick glass and an aluminum or steel framing system.
When aluminum components are used, windscreens can reach heights of 8 feet. When stainless steel components are used, windscreens can reach heights of 15 feet or more.
Due to variations in both wind speed and terrace floor level, these barriers are almost always custom designed to meet the needs and safety requirements of the developer, architect, engineer, and contractor.
In cases where the windscreen is installed on the top floors of a building, these glass barriers can provide a 360-degree, unobstructed, panoramic view of the entire landscape, making for an incredible spectator experience.



